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I “quadri d'autore” di Pinardi in mostra a Villa Brunati
Will be
inaugurated on Thursday, March 29th
at 15 in the
Hall of the Muses
Library "Angel
Rings", in the presence of the author
David Pinardi,
Councillor for
Education and Culture and
the Headmaster of
the "Don Milani" prof.
Mario Fraccaro
the exhibition of
paintings on paper and canvas
created by David,
a student at the Institute of
Desenzano upper
secondary education "Don
Milani" Montichiari,
reading under the
guidance of Prof. Monica
Tortella the works of
great artists
such as foreign
Hayez, Millet,
Van Gogh, Monet, Picasso
and Italians Previati
and Segantini.
The exhibition,
sponsored by the Municipality of
Desenzano del Garda,
it is proposed to follow the traces
of paintings using art
as a tool for
inclusion. At the opening
were invited Dr.
Mariarosa Raimondi -
Manager of Territorial
School of Brescia,
Prof. Franco Ferrante -
Head of school
integration of Brescia, Prof.
Guido Fumagalli
- Professor Ordinary
of the Department of
Public Health and community medicine,
director for research
and for the internationalization
of the University of
Verona, Dr.
Patrizia Tortella -
PhD student in
cognitive sciences and the
formation of 'Ca'
Foscari University of Venice, Professor
Fiorino Tessaro
- Department of
Philosophy and cultural Heritage
at the University Ca
'Foscari of Venice,
dr. Lino
Vianello, Psychotherapist
in Mestre, Professor
Fabiola Lonardi
the Faculty of physical
education at the University of
exhibition will be open to
the public until April 7
during the opening hours of
the Library:
Tuesday to Friday 9.30 -
12.30 and 15-18.30, Saturday
9:30 to 12:30.
Fonte: Comunicato stampa |
lun 26 mar 2012, ore 16.47 |
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March 29, 2012 at 15:00 in the Sala delle Muse Library A. Rings -
Via Agello, 5 - Rivoltella del Garda, will inaugurate the
student attending the class 5 ^ A Ling., Together with Professor
Monica Tortella and with the collaboration of professor of art
history prof M.Gioia Casagrande, reads and interprets some
paintings of modern art. In this review, the student brings out
the "right sign", his distinctive element interacts with the
others and says with his "special section", the one who set the
observation of the works of author studied, and perhaps something
The pictures obtained with a methodology which builds on the work
mode of landscape painters, adapted to meet specific operational
needs, revisit important works of art, from Neoclassicism to the
modern era. The event is sponsored by the Department of Education
and Cultural Affairs of the City of Desenzano del Garda and is
organized in collaboration with the Institute "Don L. Milani
"Montichiari. The exhibition will be open until April 7 during the
opening hours of the Library.
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Desenzano del garda (Bs) – fino al 7 aprile I QUADRI DI DAVIDE
admin | marzo 30, 2012 at 8:12 am |
comments |
Desenzano del Garda (Bs),
Gallerie intorno al Garda,
mese di aprile
1 aprile 2012 |
a |
7 aprile 2012 |
The exhibition "Pictures copyright" offers the works of David
Pinardi, a young artist with autism Desenzano, will be exhibited
on the occasion of his first exhibition at the hall of the Muses
Library rings Revolver, from March 29 to April 7
and will be visible during the opening hours of the library.
Arts and disability go hand in hand, in a path-breaking inclusion,
from great human and artistic.
The painting becomes the preferred channel of expression of an
interior fascinating and complex, through the colors, the colors
and the bright colors of the paintings come to light, revealing
all its beauty.
E 'was encounter with her teacher support, Monica Tortella, that
David was able to give vent to his creativity and discover this
irrepressible passion for painting.
"It was an exploit," said his sister Eleanor and it is hard to
believe, if you think that the approach to the art of David was
only the beginning of this school year and from September to date
has already made
twenty paintings.
Often fails to provide a framework in a single day, so strong is
the inspiration that moves.
David, sick of autism, class of 1993, is 18 years old and attends
the fifth year of high school language Don Milani Montichiari.
Last year it was followed by another teacher, it was only in
September that he met Professor Monica Tortella who revealed his
artistic talent, first submerged and hidden.
Great news and a great treat for the whole family Pinardi:
Concetta mom, dad and sister Eleonora Fabio they are proud of and
their satisfaction with the first exhibition of the paintings of
David is really great.
During the exhibition at the library of the Villa Brunati, an
initiative that is sponsored by the Municipality of Desenzano, in
the person of the mayor and of the Cultural Rings Happy Emanuele
Giustacchini, you can, until April 7, admire the paintings of
, which are inspired by famous works of Romanticism as "The Kiss"
by Hayez, "The Death of Marat" and "Napoleon on Horseback" by
Reproductions of famous paintings that David interprets with his
unique creative talent, a triumph of lights and colors that are
mixed to create a totally original creation.
Professor Monica Tortella, to whom we owe not only the merit of
having brought out the creative talent of David, but also to have
him involved in this project that brings the world of disability
art, and to have organized the exhibition
of the show, thinking about his future, is already planning to
contact art schools or prestigious institutions such as the Ca
'Foscari of Venice, which could accompany him on a path of growth
and artistic development.
Meanwhile, the principal of her school, Mario Fraccaro and the
deputy, too excited about the painting skills of David, they've
already commissioned some paintings ... Who knows that others do
not do the same: the hope is that the journey through the wonders
of David
and the delights of the art hard for a long time, giving with his
imagination and sensitivity, the beneficiaries of his work,
intense emotions and profound suggestions
Info: Tuesday
to Friday 9.
30 -
12:30 / 15:00 to 18:30, Saturday 9:30 to 12:30.
030-9994211 davide.quadri @ tiscali.it
Elisa Zanola
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the sponsorship of the
Institute for Higher Education
"Don Milani"
Department of Education
and Culture
by Monica Tortella

Portrait of David
performed by the David Pinardi 11-02-2011
Tempera on paper, 70x100 cm.
Each watch is
transformed into consider,
each considered in a reflection,
each reflect a join.
J.W. Goethe
J.W. Goethe
David Pinardi is a student attending the class 5 Language High
School, at the Institute School "Don Milani" Montichiari.
This year for the first time he approached the painting and
discovered his particular interest in color.
Since the beginning of the school year, so he approached the study
of art history, adding to moments of theoretical study, the
performance of "paintings" of historical and artistic importance.
The works produced by David Pinardi, are therefore part of an
educational art history, combining moments of theoretical study to
practical activity, leveraging learning mode different and
The theoretical study, it seems in fact become significant if "fed"
by "motivational", which depending on the predisposition of each
individual, may be favored by the use of different types of
educational mediators.
David, from the early "strokes of color," has shown a particular
interest and pleasure in painting, directing the design teaching and
education to an intervention can bring out his "sign".
The "sign" is in some way, its distinctive element in a movement
often beyond the limit, it works constantly on the move and gives
the author a size.
Through his creations, David is able to communicate with others and
tell with his eyes and his particular trait, one that has set the
observation of the works of author studied, and maybe more.
The pictorial was developed relying on a particular technique,
designed taking inspiration from working patterns of landscape
painters and reworked in relation to specific client needs.
The paintings revisit major works of art, from Neoclassicism to the
modern era.
The works on display, should be read with an eye to recognize the
sudden movement of color, the mixture of signs, the importance of
the "empty".
The catalog of the works follows the chronological order in which
they were made, and at the same time makes clear the "becoming" of
'"self-expression" of the author.
In detail, the works are as follows:
interpretation of "A wanderer on the Sea of Fog" by Caspar David
interpretation of "Napoleon crossing the Alps at
Grand-Saint-Bernard" by Caspar David Friedrich;
interpretation of "The Oath of the Horatii" by Caspar David
interpretation of "Death of Marat" by Caspar David Friedrich;
portrait of David;
interpretation of 'Freedom' Leading the People "by Eugene Delacroix;
interpretation of "The Fighting Temeraire towed last berth to be
broken up" by Joseph Mallord William Turner;
rendition of "The Kiss" by Francesco Hayez;
interpretation of "A rainy street in Paris" by Gustave Caillebotte;
interpretation of "The Gleaners" by Jean Francois Millet;
interpretation of "Venice" by Edouard Manet;
interpretation of "The painter Sebastian Juner" by Pablo Picasso;
interpretation of "Wheatfield with crows flying" by Vincent Van
interpretation of "Madame Monet and Child" by Claude Monet;
interpretation of "La Berceuse portrait of Madame Roulin" by Vincent
Van Gogh;
interpretation of "Cherubs with Garland" by Gaetano Previati;
interpretation of "detail" two mothers "by Giovanni Segantini;
interpretation of "The Scream" by Edvard Munch.
I want to thank the Councillor for Culture, Emanuele Giustacchini,
with great care and attention, has been able to exploit works by
David and the entire didactic activity, providing the prestigious
"Hall of the Muses" Villa Brunati Rivoltella of Garda.
I also thank the Headmaster of the "Don L. Milani ", prof. Mario
Fraccaro, enthusiasm for the project of inclusion and collaborative
availability demonstrated throughout the school year.
I extend a special thanks to my colleague Prof. M. Joy Casagrande,
professor of art history at the Institute of Education "Don Milani"
Montichiari, for their valuable collaboration, which made it
possible to actually make "inclusive" educational
project-educational realized.
My sincere thanks also addressed assistant autonomy Mr. Giulio
Zucchini with confidence and professionalism that has been able to
contribute and support the entire path.
Finally, I thank all those who for various reasons have made
possible the realization of both works is the Exhibition.
In an era as one in which we are living, where everything seems to
be in "crisis" is a challenge unreal one that leads to promote the
joyful recognition of the '"Other", its peculiarities, its "works"
of his own "being there".
The exhibition then, among other things, the invaluable function of
allowing David to appear in the reality in which they live, in a
different and new, where the eyes are turning towards her skills,
seduced the "famous" that reproduces images. |